
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8657 From: Tapio Larikka Date: 11/16/2013
Subject: Chasing/recutting a thread?
Hi Tom!
I'm back to my thread cutting project, this time with accute problem since my subcontractor delivered 500+ pipe nipples with a bad thread that needs to be recut.
Only thing I can find on forum regarding the thread timing says Kflop use "arbitrary" encoder point.
How is this arbitrary point selected?
Is it spindle encoder counts/rev (and multiples of) starting from counter/register zero?
Is it spindle encoder counts/rev (and multiples of) starting from some counter value that happened to be passing by when threading command execution starts?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8660 From: TK Date: 11/16/2013
Subject: Re: Chasing/recutting a thread?
Hi Tapio,

KFLOP uses encoder position zero and multiples of the counts/rev as a starting position.  This would be arbitrary in the sense that zero would be wherever the spindle happens to be on power up. But then from pass to pass or job to job it will be perfectly consistent. It is basically like having a marker pulse at encoder position zero. To adjust the angle of where the thread starts you could move the spindle to some angle and then re-zero the spindle encoder.  You could "home" the spindle. You could also adjust the starting position on-the-fly by adjusting the encoder position by some fraction of a rev with something like:

ch4->Position += 100;


On Nov 16, 2013, at 4:35 AM, "Tapio Larikka" <tapio.larikka@...> wrote:


Hi Tom!
I'm back to my thread cutting project, this time with accute problem since my subcontractor delivered 500+ pipe nipples with a bad thread that needs to be recut.
Only thing I can find on forum regarding the thread timing says Kflop use "arbitrary" encoder point.
How is this arbitrary point selected?
Is it spindle encoder counts/rev (and multiples of) starting from counter/register zero?
Is it spindle encoder counts/rev (and multiples of) starting from some counter value that happened to be passing by when threading command execution starts?